Monday, October 13, 2008

Indian Summer

Autumn is a time when the cold starts creeping in, the wind blows in all directions, and the rain falls sometimes 24/7. I suppose it aims at getting people to mentally prepare for the winter......

What I like the most about Autumn is the change in colour of tree leaves. From light yellow to deep maroon.....This aspect of nature does capture my admiration.

The weather in the past three days has been suprisingly pleasant. Unusual sunny spells for this time of the year (Autumn). I got to learn that this is usually referred to as the Indian summer and I decided to google it up to learn more. In short an Indian summer can be defined as any spell of warm, quiet, hazy weather that may occur in September, October or even early December. It has something to do with high pressures and breezes but I will not go into the meteoriological explanations and jargon. There are several historical explanations as to why its called an Indian summer, and again, I wont dwell on that.

You dont always get nice weather this side of the globe, so we took the chance to walk and take pictures.....I wish this nice weather would last long.....but I know the rain and the winter will soon be here.


Karyn said...

We also had Indian Summer for about a week.....beautiful summer like weather in which to enjoy the brightly colored leaves and the soft gold of the fields being harvested.

I enjoyed your description....

Karyn said...

Hey, Leah....what's been going on this last month?